Thursday, January 3, 2019

Children’s Hospice South West

For more than 25 years, Children's Hospice South West has been caring for children with life-threatening conditions. The charity is dedicated to making the most of short and precious lives at each of its three hospices – Little Bridge House in Devon, Charlton Farm in Somerset, and Little Harbour in Cornwall.

Last year, it was able to provide care for 537 children with life-limiting conditions and their families across the South West. There were 11,975 family night stays and 326 emergency care nights. The charity welcomes referrals from anyone and last year, there were 76 new referrals.

The care offered is wide-ranging and includes respite and short breaks, emergency care, palliative care and end-of-life care. But it’s not just about medical and nursing support for sick children.

Children's Hospice South West was established to enrich the lives of the children and their whole family. The charity offers a home from home where families can take a short break to re-charge their batteries in a homely, warm and welcoming environment. It aims to help each family wind down in the way that suits them. Some families take advantage of meals being prepared for them and telephones being answered so they can spend more time with their sick child, take well brothers and sisters out, enjoy leisure activities or just catch up on sleep!

There is a sibling service for brothers and sisters and a bereavement service for as long as it is needed.

Families talk about the 'treasure chest' of precious memories they build to carry into the future... a future which will, sadly, be without their much-loved child or children.

It costs around £10m a year to keep the three hospices open, which is raised almost entirely by supporters.